Sophie Washington
Book Reviews,  Fun,  General

Sophie Washington: The Snitch

Should Sophie Stand Up to the School Bully or Become a Snitch?

There’s nothing worse than being a tattletale…

That’s what 10-year-old Sophie Washington thinks until she runs into Lanie Mitchell, a new girl at school. Lanie pushes Sophie and her friends around at their lockers and even takes their lunch money. If they tell, they are scared the other kids in their class will call them snitches and won’t be their friends.

And when you’re in the fifth grade nothing seems worse than that. Then a classmate gets seriously injured and Sophie needs to make a decision: fight back, or snitch?

By author Tonya Duncan Ellis for Readers 7-13.

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Carol Hughes spent a lot of years as a covert intelligence officer before becoming a creative consultant in Hollywood. Now she writes books for a living.

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