• Your Secret Talent

    Did you know that everybody has a very special secret talent? And that is that everyone is born a storyteller – a book whisker. Some people figure this out for themselves. But others need a little reminder that they have this talent.

    “But,” you say. “Nothing interesting ever happens to me.”

    Sure it does. You just need to turn on your writing radar and put on your writer’s cap.

    People are always doing and saying interesting things all around you. You just need to pay attention.

    To help you discover your secret talent as a writer here are four tips to help you become a real life book whisker:

    1. Every story is about someone or something who wants something. They are the hero – or protagonist – of the story. What they want is known as the goal. But something or someone – the villain – doesn’t want them to reach their goal and this creates conflict. Conflict is what moves the story forward.
    2. To start a story ask yourself the following questions:
    • What happened to start the story?
    • Then what happened?
    • What did the villain do to try and stop the hero?
    • How did the hero defeat the villain?
    • How did the hero feel and act throughout the story?
    1. Pay attention to how and what people say in your story – this helps you create snappy dialogue.
    2. The most important thing to remember about writing a story is this – always, always believe in yourself and your writing.
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