• Hiking–Exploring Nature’s Playground

    The warm sunshine on your face, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees overhead, and the soft earthy feel of the trail under your boots. Not only are these experiences enjoyable to have, but they’re good for you, too. Hiking offers physical exercise and emotional relief.

    Hiking is one of the best ways to get exercise. Whether you scramble up a steep incline or are walking on a winding dirt path, hiking is the perfect opportunity to get a workout!

    Being in nature can boost your mood and improve your mental health. Spending quality time in the great outdoors reduces stress and calms anxiety. Hiking, taking in the sights and smells of nature, is good for you.

    Hiking with a friend or a group of friends is fun. And the fun fact is that you can hike just about anywhere, as long as you are careful and tell others where you are going. The opportunities and benefits of hiking are waiting for you. All you have to do is go.

    To get started, you need to choose the right hike. And you need to be aware of some safety tips when you are going on an extended Nature hike.

    The first step to pleasurable hiking is gauging your physical limits and choosing a trip to fit your physical abilities. Key factors to consider are distance, elevation change and the type of terrain.

    If you’re a newbie, start with short, simple walks and work your way up. If possible, hike with a companion or in a group with more experience. Not only will it be safer and more fun, you can share in others’ knowledge and skills. Clubs and guided walks are also great ways to learn the basics.

    For the more adventuresome among you—consider going on longer hikes in Nature. For those of you who want to venture away from your city with its parks and hiking paths, here are some safety tips you will want to consider. But, whatever you do, just make sure that you let somebody know where you will be hiking and when you expect to return. Plus, do not hike alone. Just in case an accident or a serious incident happens to you while you are out hiking, a companion can help save your life by getting help for you.

    To begin your long hike, start by wearing layered clothing to protect yourself from the elements and to help regulate your body temperature. With layered clothing, you can add or subtract as needed. A dependable waterproof jacket is vital, of course. As is a hat—broad-brim for sunny days, a woolly hat for the cold. The general rule of thumb is always to be prepared for the worst conditions.

    So, pay attention to the weather.

    Choose good boots—your feet and ankles will thank you. So will your back and the rest of your body.

    Carry a comfortable backpack. If you’re going to carry a heavy load for long periods, get a backpack with a good harness. A properly fitted backpack allows freedom of movement, but doesn’t swing from side to side.

    Pack lightly for long hikes, including lightweight food in plastic bags. Also, make sure you have water. Food is your fuel, so pack foods that are high energy and nutritious. Tasty treats such as chocolate can also work wonders.

    Pace yourself. Enjoyable hiking depends on endurance, not speed. Take regular rest stops to take the weight off, rehydrate, and nibble some nuts—three moves guaranteed to keep you smiling.



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